Nintendo Software Technology Corp. is a software company located in Redmond, Washington. The company was created after a discussion between Nintendo of America Inc. and DigiPen Institute of Technology. The Nintendo sponsored university agreed to foster and cultivate talent from North America to develop exclusive first-party software for Nintendo. While initial staff was composed of Digipen professors and university graduates, Nintendo of America would enlist additional game developers from Nintendo and other third-party recruits. The company would experienced several highs and lows, from bulking up talent and becoming a technical powerhouse, to suffering large turnovers and layoffs as several ambitious projects failed to see release. Nintendo Software Technology continues to develop first-party game software, in addition to their duties as a general technology developer that contributes to several projects behind the scenes. |
Work History for Nintendo Company Limited
Profile: Nintendo Software Technology Corp.
Author: Kyoto Ninja
Source: Game Credits. Company Homepage. Kyoto Report Investigative Methods.
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