Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. is an independent video game developer, currently contracted to Nintendo Company Limited for the development of various first-party software and development tools. The company was formalized in 1986, and is the result of the merger of Iwasaki Electronics Co., Ltd. and TEC Co,, Ltd. The company initially worked on creating development tools and assisting with programming duties on software for Nintendo Co., Ltd. Most the company's initial credits are attributed to programming software for Gunpei Yokoi's Nintendo R&D1. Eventually, the company would establish itself as more than just a programming company by hiring designers and sound staff for co-development of the Fire Emblem series. After several co-developments and a continued role as programming assistant, the company left their former cubicles inside of Nintendo's R&D building to their new home a few blocks over as a full fledged standalone development company that still operates under Nintendo's production channels. |
Profile: Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.
Author: Kyoto Ninja
Source: Game Credits. Company Homepage. Kyoto Report Investigative Methods.
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