Recent Takashi Tezuka interviews mentioned that he is now Executive Officer for EPD (企画制作本部 企画制作部 統括).
Source 1: [www. bloomberg. co. jp/ news/ articles/ 2015-12-21/ NYOMRK6K50XV01]
Source 2: [www. yomiuri. co. jp/ teen/ special/ 20160106-OYT8T50077.html]
Sakamoto's latest role was revealed on the interview to Yoshihara and Ohnishi, key engineering staff of Miitomo.
Source: [codeiq. jp/ magazine/ 2016/ 07/ 42692/]
According to the interview, producer Sakamoto is also now Executive Officer for EPD (企画制作部 統括).
Although the interview does not mention clearly that Yoshihara is director of Miitomo, he summarized the specifications of the game, so his role for the game is maybe Assistant Director, System Director, or Lead Planner.
Terasaki has been promoted to director of Monolithsoft recently, as the successor to Shinya Takahashi.
Source: [www. monolithsoft. co. jp/ company/ profile.html]
According to the company's profile, Terasaki is now Co-Department Manager for EPD (企画制作部 共同部長).
That is, there is another Department Manager at least.
Terui's latest profile can be read on the college HAL's graduate interview.
Source: [www. hal. ac. jp/ cross/ library/ detail.html?id= 3203]